~The Never-Ending Gaze of Nostalgia~

The patterns of thought in reverie stay amazingly the same over time... from DaVinci's Madonna sketch study, to my great grandmother Mary, to me.. Sonshine. I know that thinking pattern well.

Eerily, I did not pose for this picture nor was I aware of my great grandmother's pose or picture until a few months ago.. Serendipity... & history repeating the same under the sun... No one escapes the past... In fact, it's really where we unwittingly live if you think about it. :)

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." ~ Ecclesiastes 1:9

https://t.co/hKwV7sXiEy https://t.co/PdhLAbGpgZ  


As politics go, my husband and I have seen and done much and at times seen and done little.  Our younger active years, were immersed politically in various local and national government.  After all, it is the USA - it is OUR government.  But, life plans can change directions to perhaps educe a larger purpose.  Our belief in Jesus Christ opens sight to other and deeper spiritual truths.  When disability entered our lives, it brought forth another dimension.... almost another universe.  From over 30 years immersed in disability, much goodness by the Grace of God emerged and continues to reveal depths of problem solving/solutions ... many ideas manifested through our “Rolling Dance Chair Project” at  ArtsandDisability.blogspot.com .  One could almost say that out of the chaos of destruction and disability - another approach was realized.

A new chaos is emerging now in our government which at this present time only leaves me  in complete bewilderment.  I am writing this in truth because I am so very much bewildered,  - that had I not been through so much in the past, I would see very little hope of any possibility of future organization let alone that something good could happen by the Grace of God which I believe and have experienced. {“And we know that God works together all things for good to those loving God, to those being called according to His purpose.” ~Romans 8:28~ }

I can barely put into thought what is happening all around us.  Thus, writing down this spindrift thinking is difficult.  In fact, it feels so impossible I am forgiving of myself in not being particularly articulate - and hope others would forgive my writing efforts, also. .... a masterpiece it is not.  The only positive thing [perhaps?] I can note at this point - is that I am far from being alone in my bewilderment.  Yet, in a universe of bewildered persons one can hardly hold up one another.

I begin by stating we have never been totally Democrat nor totally Republican nor any platform.  Something glaringly wrong is found in all.  Democrats push too much freedom that actually requires more law to make the freedoms work. ..... abortion, individual rights, sensitivity, political correctness, sexuality, and environmental concerns all begin to actually  encroach on others. Because they want to ideally embrace more of a “free for all” the rules/laws get strained and strange.  It doesn’t make sense to take abortion to the limit, i.e., partial birth abortion, allowing for no brakes on questionable research, i.e. stem cells, frozen embryos, while objecting to animal research, capital punishment, and gun ownership.  Republicans confound me for wanting NO GOVERNMENT as the ultimate freedom.... not less government - no government.  It also makes no sense to be against abortion but wanting to kill/execute those who are involved, and to be for capital punishment while insisting all life is valuable i.e., human embryo/stem cell research, except for animal research, hunting and killing animals, and no laws on gun ownership. The Republicans forward a deep Christian message yet embrace the works of Ayn Rand and  insist health care is a luxury not a right... and pre-existing conditions? ....No way as that compromises the bottom profit line.  Jesus Christ emphasized that the weakest among us are the greatest in the Kingdom of God and to bear one another’s burdens is part of the Body of Christ.  Republicans walk in dangerous precedents by embracing “survival of the fittest” and “do as thou wilt”.... philosophies of anti-Christs / Satanists.

For both “sides”... the lack of common sense / logic just never ends.  Historically, the mysteries of conspiracies or political flip / flops also never ends.  In the last 50 years each side alternates in creating havoc for the other.  Nixon’s demise stemmed from political election fighting...  not from other countries - but from DNC / RNC intrigue.  Ford could hardly get congress to work.  Carter was plagued with his own in-party fighting and constant manipulations from Republicans.  Reagan was a true actor spokesman during some critical times, but his inflation Reaganomics had dire effects.  Bush 41 couldn’t hold his own party and the splits set up VERY bitter consequences, i.e., Lee Atwater, Roger Stone dirty tricks.  Clinton proved clever for some of the economy, but the constant Republican attacks resulted in a MOST ridiculous impeachment process.  Why?  After not being able to prove any of the slick connections the Clintons had, a special prosecutor found he lied about sexual cheating on his wife!  After the Kennedy horrors, who cares!  The only one who should deal with Clinton would be Hillary.  Thankfully, the USA was spared losing another President through embarrassing and ludicrous means..... really - DNA on Monica’s blue dress! Really?!

And, then there is Bush 43.  The election between Gore and Bush was so much drama, yet NOTHING happened then to change it!  Gore also won the popular vote as Hillary Clinton did.  The electoral college is outdated for many reasons..... we do not have slavery nor do we have a population that is out of touch.  WHY DIDN’T EVERYONE DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE THIS OBSOLETE SYSTEM BACK IN 2000!  Now, seventeen years later - the pressure is severe.

Bush 43 also saw the take down of main media personnel, i.e., Dan Rather .... over something so stupid in the former military records of a young Bush 43.  As in the Clinton outrage, there was an actual truth that Bush 43 did, in fact, receive some military/political special treatment.  (So what! .. Long over & forgotten!)   But, that was not the issue and it only became an overlooked factual truth.  Instead, the narrative became HOW did CBS 60 Minutes producer Mary Mapes arrive at that conclusion.  Apparently, it was dirty tricksters again.... setting up real facts in fake scenarios by the Republicans themselves for the simple reason of spite, malice, and to ruin lives - or at least to leave their lives in an inner turmoil of emotion.  The film “Truth” explores the fragmented opus which clanks in your mind like a fork if it could play an old 45 record... screeching, bogus, ...awkward.

With Obama came a cascade of Truthers.... pushing a probable factual claim that he wasn’t born in the USA .... to follow him forever, apparently.  Who cares! The Office of President is greater than any man / woman who represents it for a limited time!  Make government work is all any real people want.

Personally, I could care less whether a President would be Republican, Independent, or Democrat.  What most people may not realize is that many of our Presidents, Senators, Representatives, Governors, etc... have been in both parties - and some even all three and more!  Reagan was originally a Democrat as was Gov Rick Perry (now Sec. Of Energy under Trump).  Democrat Gov.of California Jerry Brown at one time was Independent.  Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren used to be a Republican.  Mayor of NY Michael Bloomberg - and Gov. Charlie Crist were at various times a member of all three parties.  Of course it seems appropriate that Trump himself was a member of four: Democratic, Reform, Independent and now Republican.  There are plenty more examples. Any party or platform.... really doesn’t matter and really should not matter to anyone.  This is the USA of everyone of us!
None of us should buy into a political system which has such glaring hypocrisy and flaws within their own platforms ...... which, like sexuality identity can change each minute or on a whim.  It is desperation that fools us into believing we have choice.  The actual choice is what kind of fool politics and government will make us.

The frustration of the present political situation seems to be a battle of any minutia that comes to mind.  During election debates, no matter what would happen - each side afterwards would claim they won.  It reminds me of an optical illusion where the mind can  only hold one view at a time..... then the mind shifts and one is able to see a vase or face (as example) but never a melding of the two.  In the case of what is happening now, I fear that one view or the other view is not being readily seen, but rather a morphed view so unfamiliar that no one understands how it controls our minds.

It seems no matter who puts out news, reads news, or makes news..... the focus is subterfuge.  They all aim for hysteria and to feed off the emotion, terror, and power to hold  anyone’s attention while increasing popularity stats. 

Our internet and latest technology takes news and fake news to levels no one can interpret.  I’ve tried ... I’ve really tried.  Just yesterday, I viewed a Twitter exchange asserting how each Tweet must comply with an ever-changing TOS / TOC - Terms of Service/Content by official Twitter management.  The kicker, for me, came when after a bit of research on one of the Tweeters.... I realized that the person was an actress from the  fictitious “Atlantis Cable News” ACN .... where she played a character called Maggie Jordan from the now cancelled tv series  “The Newsroom”.  The actress in real life does not have or does not use a “real” Twitter account, but instead barges through Twitter conversations as this “character”.  Surreal enough .... here’s an article on it by Christina NG from 2013:  { abcnews.go.com/amp/Entertainment/twitter-turned-newsroom-character/story?id=20122305 }

This is not my first time with literal fake people fomenting themselves into our reality like a cartoon character suddenly appearing in life.  Several years ago, I spent considerable time (three months!) researching one account on Twitter where I actually placed a fictitious made-up bot (as it turned out) on a prayer list for her supposed dying sister.  Where this took me still has me defeated.  The ramifications were endless.  The account was just one girl - pictured which I managed to trace to FaceBook and endless bot accounts where her picture was used again and again .... not as a stolen/downloaded image .... but VERY CLEARLY with her complete active participation.  Now I say bot.... but this woman and others were actively using their fake accounts to justify whatever morality was relevant to them and others for devious / bogus means.  This woman was part of it all, as she very carefully would change her look for pictures to become a completely different character to be appropriate for whatever bot account she would commandeer. Since I was paying attention, I found her in places no one would ever suspect.  And, I found her cohort other players.... or crisis actors... inserting themselves literally everywhere  - no doubt getting hired and paid to do so.  I spent the three months getting everything down on the record so I wouldn’t someday say to myself... “Oh, maybe I imagined it all.”  I did not imagine anything.

The research was exhaustive and tiring.  I was very glad to record it and end it.  I have no intention of continued pursuit as these people are involved in serious crime and I am not the one to hold them accountable.  I just want to be aware so that I am neither their victim nor partner in their delusions.  Praying changes things.  Praying for my enemies is worthy.  But, praying for the latest demagogue and the accompanying contrived “events/circumstances” is beyond a waste of time.  It turns me into a performing artist puppeteer resurrecting something I don’t want.

{I will continue this as things are revealed..... after all we - USA are now shooting missiles at planes and drones! More crisis to pray on ... or is it ?  May God help us all!}


Any other name.... it's still the same .. it's Healthcare and we all are subject

I just find it always strange that the rich, and often Republicans... do not want ANY Healthcare programs ever!

Without critique of Obama or Trump or party rhetoric or political anything... this article does question that subject....


A quote from the article:

"Republicans hate the idea that we're spending money on the working class and the poor. They hate the idea that Barack Obama is responsible for a pretty successful program. They hate the idea that taxes on the wealthy went up a bit. They hate the idea that a social welfare program can do a lot of good for a lot of people at a fairly modest price.

What kind of person hates all these things?"

It is very strange since so many claim Jesus as at least their "philosophy:".... who's test was in how anyone treats the poor, the weak, the sick, the orphan, the widow, and the disabled among us.

Who cares how Healthcare comes about... or it's name... just grateful to God it exists at all... and like the aging Healthcare program Medicare ... it's just important to improve on it... So why not just improve what's wrong with Medicare and Affordable Care Act... ?

Jahi Lives !

Years ago ..California declared her dead.. but allowed her mom to take her "body" and do with as she liked... she took Jahi to New Jersey where she remains on machines... However .. a new video clearly shows her responding to her mother's voice to breathe deep!  Praise God!

Now California is giving "permission" to prove she is alive! Wow!.. can we get more bizarre in this weird world?

But ... I can tell you why in one word the world standards are reduced to this insanity!  JESUS ! Can you imagine if Joseph had not been rich and not been allowed  to take Jesus' body.. properly and with all the proven certificates of his death, etc.. .. which are also imprinted on the shroud btw. ... and if he did not have a pure unused grave.. and even though the Jews made Pilate guard it... and in fact thank God for that, too!... .. forcing them to have to lie that the disciples stole his body.... but all of that instead PROVES ... JESUS IS ALIVE !  and the world hates it! But Why ?  That I truly do not know.

The author of the article.. Wesley Smith, writes at the end of the article this troubling quote:

"Every time I write about Jahi’s case, there are angry reader responses insisting she is dead. I am not sure why people have such an emotional investment in Jahi’s demise, but if she isn’t dead, it is a matter of urgency that the truth come out. The needs of science require it, as this may be an unprecedented event. The integrity of the system demands it. And Jahi deserves it."

Read more at:   Jahi Breathing On Her Own


BTW... I came upon this story because I subscribe to:   "the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network and the Life Legal Defense Foundation– [who] fought for the determination [of Jehi]  in court." Here is their subscription sign-up ... run by Terri Schiavo's brother .. Bobby Schindler, Jr. . which was in St. Petersburg, Florida but is now on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

Here is video link:

Debate Life & Love

The last debate for President.... is finally over between 2 people for an office that is to serve people everywhere.
Without rehashing or rephrasing what all was said or what their individual values are..... I am just aghast at how very few regard reality and truth over rules & hype.
Every election, most try to separate out either a Republican platform or Democratic platform...  Sometimes, a 3rd or 4th independent group lays out other platforms and issues.  What needs to be newly understood is that NO ONE PERSON IS A PLATFORM OR AN ISSUE!
It becomes so frustrating, that should someone enter political discussion regarding our group government representation ..... only a few key issues ever come up to label and define any individual:
1)  Abortion
2)  Health Care
3)  Social Security
4)  Gay / Civil Rights
5)  Gun control / Military
6)   Environmental Issues
7)   Immigration
8)   Taxation
9)   Law / Order / Police State
10) Death Penalty
11) Supreme Court Law Making
12) Entitlements / Benefits / Charity
13) Economic Trade / Capitalism / Regulations
14) Government Organization / National debt
Sometimes, one will just run down this list as a quick whacky way to “assess” an individual person. ... it’s even glared into someone like a weird challenge of character or personality.  The worst places or times this assessment occurs is in church, with family, work, and by perfect strangers.
Having been challenged myself, it is a very tedious & uncomfortable procedure.  It is also reminiscent of how Christians demand a perfect witness or testimony in order for the “interviewer” to approve  or scrutinize whether or not someone is or is not a real Christian.... with some even “knowing” who will actually go to hell &/or who are “hopelessly lost.”
Allowing the classification system of left or right ; deciding who is media elite, or educated ivy league elite, or Christian evangelical elite, or working-class, or middle class, or the poor....  is a pointless caste/class system that humans decide.
How can anyone seriously consider that words given out actually define real truth & reality?
Firstly, one cannot be defined by a vote cast for Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump.  To dislike Trump’s character issues with women, does not mean I would vote for Hillary Clinton.  To dislike Clinton’s past discretions & former ethical/illegal issues also does not mean I would vote for Donald Trump.
Franklin Graham recently stated: “...Just hold your nose and vote.”  He emphasized no matter who you vote for, just get out and vote.  He also would not endorse either Clinton or Trump.  But, “doing the math”.... he is clearly stating that anyone who barely calls themselves a Christian has no other choice but to vote for Trump.  He stated only the Supreme Court is the consideration and who would have the power to assign a judge for life to make laws which are Godly.  Trump apparently has put out a list of the people he would assign to the Supreme Court and Graham approves of those people.
The real challenge is that prayerful people feel the Holy Spirit goading in their being and deeply desire to be true in their hearts before God.   Peace, Peace.... Jesus promised us His Peace as only He can give it.  To be right before God is all that could ever matter.  I urge people to pray & know God.  And, to write in a Godly person’s name would set one right before God.  Some say .... this would be like “throwing away your vote.”  Nothing one does before God is in vain.
Why can’t we come to the real terms of what is truly happening:

Abortion is something that happens.  All death of any kind should be illegal.  It is not done with my approval or disapproval.  Why should anyone decide that the Supreme Court and a government classification system therefore places millions of innocent babies.... truly babies... (God knew you before you were born - in the womb...). .... that these innocents are my responsibility alone.... ? 
Yet, those who want “law” to stop abortion, usually decide that the death penalty for certain individuals is fine.... and they would have “no problem judging them to death”.  Where does my personal view, or Jesus’ view on the death penalty, or mercy come into consideration?
As Christians in Jesus Christ, we understand that a written or God-ordained “law” is perfect, yet it is not powerful enough to actually stop anyone from doing anything....  This is the reality.  Whether there is an actual law or not, people can choose to die, choose to murder, choose to abort, choose to rob, choose to sexually abuse, etc. . . all things usually that lead to destruction of all.  People can choose to do anything they want... as Jesus stated: “... You can do all things, but not all things are good for you.”
As Christians in Jesus Christ, we understand prophecy.  Armageddon is going to happen.  A thousand years of Peace are going to happen.  A final testing after the Peace millennium is going to happen. This is our Lord!  It will come to pass.  It is the reality & the truth and no one nor any law written anywhere will interfere with God’s perfect plans, creations, mercy, & judgements.
One day, during the tribulation, “..... men will seek death & not find it.”  As Christians in Jesus Christ we understand that this is our Creator, our beautiful God, our Lord... He alone is in charge of life & death.  We now even have the technological forensic proof (for those who need it) in the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection through the Shroud Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ .  The “Supreme” Court & its’ laws can neither create nor kill nor prevent anything happening to anyone.... & especially in their arrogance they cannot make law as though they were God.
Medical care & health benefits should NEVER be linked in anyway to a job or workplace.... seriously why? Healthcare is daily & very few people can control the state of their decay....  It’s like food - everyone needs food, water, air, housing, clothing.... & healthcare.  This is the reality of being human.  To decide who gets what should never be in question.  It’s like the national debt.  If a storm or hurricane happens, destroying houses, towns, etc.... everyone usually tries to assist.  Money buys the supplies needed, as well as people sharing what they may already have.  Printing the money just moves it all along.  It isn’t perfect, but most of us are trying to live, survive, and not necessarily trying to just be rich for the sake of being rich.
If every distribution point or organization shuts down, what would happen?  Would we all just sit around & wait to die for lack of water, food, shelter?  Governments are just created through groups of people who realize these things start to be in common with everyone.  The entire premise should simply be to NEVER get in anyone’s space for any reason.  Jesus even had the best philosophy as a practical solution to getting along.  His golden rule, his turn the other cheek, his bear one another’s burdens, go the second mile, and don’t take anyone to court - settle ...... these “rules/laws” are legend & beautiful.  Love ones enemies, love ones neighbor as yourself, honor ones parents, respect the devil, the rulers of the world, ... but HONOR / GLORY / WORSHIP are given to only our Father & our Lord Jesus Christ.
When we, as creations of God, decide we can classify systems & governments without consideration of what is truly happening in reality, & without any consideration of our Creator .... these bizarre other things manifest.  Donald Trump, as some kind of con trickster, is galvanizing people to form their own nation against the likes of Hillary & Bill Clinton and most Democrats. Trump wants a pure nation, a revisionist America, without interference from various immigrants that Trump finds undesirable by his standards.  His standards include running & owning gambling casinos and worldwide bikini clad beauty contests, and firing people in mock games of no value. His speech is rarely that of a gentleman let alone a lover of Jesus Christ.
Hillary & Bill Clinton  have many who attest that they are disrespectful as individuals to certain others. What they say publicly, however, has always been very clever and with political savvy.  They conform to the organizational & classification systems which are worldwide prevalent and often appear to be working within those boundaries. I found that Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter actually were the most sincere in trying to live their faith.  Being Democrats however, somehow has made them evil in the sight of many.  The Clintons & the Carters continue in world outreach common problems of humans... i.e.: health issues, vaccines, blindness, hunger, housing/shelter.
It is so unhelpful to try to look at any caring individual in Jesus & claim that the responsibility of government and the havoc government leaders wreak is somehow my own personal fault.  I am NOT responsible for the lives of Trump, the Clintons, nor the Carters.  I am NOT responsible how their marriages work or do not work.
Just as God sent the Angels to disrupt language/communication and scatter the Earth’s population from the tower of Babel, so today Jesus cares individually for each one like a very loved only child.  Group think is not good.... that was the point... and especially group think WITHOUT God is a mess.  God is intent on having EVERYONE reveal their very individual heart & their deepest desires.  “... The mouth speaks what the heart is full of...”  This is a true statement, but one can obviously realize that only God can truly understand and read your heart.  What mere words can say or do.... may or may not make sense to any human... one to one.  So, what Trump or the Clintons say or do, as it appears, may never fully reveal their hearts.  Only God knows their true intents. And, I am certainly not God to discern or rather judge their true spirit & intent....  Discernment is often given to a believer from God, but it will never be given to me or any believer to be their judge.... (not until the end of times, apparently.)
That, for me, is the reality & truth.... God is in charge of us all.  Reveal your true self before God.... that is what is truly righteous and that is what is the real truth.  God cares only for the individual heart.  It is far, far right to be right before God than man!  And, regardless of any so-called human outcome, .... we, as believers, are called on by God to pray without ceasing! There is much power in prayer ... beyond any Earthly comprehension.  Prayer changes things....
In Love with Jesus!
His Sonshine

oblivion is where?

Begin a day... start ... re-start... re-new.. Do we truly begin again each day or each moment? When God states the future .."Behold I make all things new!".... a new Earth a new Heaven..and the old is rolled up like a scroll.. the memory of all forgotten as a fleeting dream. ... well that puts things in quite a perspective.

Perspective is actually an art term in functionality.... But, basically all perspective is how anything relates to anything else. So, if something is truly new... it would not be possible nor providential to relate it to the older as reference...

Yet, we as humans refuse to see anything without its pedigree, it's provenance, it's history... And of those things, we especially use the past as our identity in how any and all historical references relate to all - everyone and everything. Thus, the diagram of a typical family tree, or a timeline of Earth's history, looks more like a labyrinth of the lost.  To remain locked into this linear luggage keeps us imprisoned and burdened by the past.. It is no wonder "there is nothing new under the sun"! as Solomon so wisely and prophetically pronounced.

It is only in the Spiritual that there is a new dimension which reveals any new thing. Humanity suffers and stays locked in to a cycle of regurgitated history and foolish memory of things where nothing new can truly EVER evolve. No one really learns or is educated by the past as it would be obvious culturally that we, as humans, had truly become wise creatures. Looking around, it almost seems that it is, in fact, the very worst of humanity that is not only repeated - but challenged to do even more spite to each other and God.

Imitate God, not humans, in His majestic plans and ways of becoming "a new creature" in Christ.. This is to be born of the Spirit... and the old man is not only "put away" but, effectively, is in oblivion where "history" and the proud vain glory of a past filled with egotistical people impressed by spin ... are kept forever.

I'm following Him!.. in His real re-creation renewal that only Jesus Christ can make possible. Walk only in the Holy Spirit of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To talk about the past.. is to speak of NOTHING!

●●● a little more side note ....

I was recently reminded again of the vain nonsense that so-called "Christians" use as justification to denigrate and literally curse each other.. while they stumble over translations, word meaning, and spiritual discussions-turned-arguments. To quibble, (putting it mildly!)... over ideals vs. Etymology etc... clearly proves no one involved "walks in the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ." Besides clear admonitions in the scriptures to "avoid vain and silly arguments"..., Christian believers are to be in Love always...while acting in Love and re-acting the same. Were there no scripture to reference in these harmful didactic discourses... one would have to rely on the Holy Spirit and His pleading! Imagine that! Oh snap, .. wait a minute... God has already imagined that.. and has done it! .. Guess there really is "nothing new under the sun" without God.  Ah....such as we remain humans - one must be careful how to listen, but in dire need to hear His Voice and be set free! This is the only reality possible.

Where is oblivion? Where is Hell? What does any of that mean? It seems everyone is doing quite fine defining their own hell and imprinting it on others.

I can't pretend that I know how Hell or destruction or oblivion works.  At one point in my life, I can say that observing the so-called "Christians" in life ruined me to think or consider that God even existed.  This is beyond grave.

Thankfully, there came a point in my life where I was able to observe some albeit deeply troubled  - but love-filled Christians.  They really did not even interact with me personally, yet I was in a position where I didn't have much choice but to observe them as they were in the same apartment building.  Thank God for them!  I KNEW something about them was so very different... and I didn't experience from them that they knew I was hopelessly lost .... and, of course, going to suffer in Hell with eternal torment FOREVER!  Wow! That is a pronouncement that has been told to my face many times from the religious  since I was six years old.  It was in observing their unusual love presence that it gave me pause momentarily to actually consider the logic of God.... His LOGOS... Jesus... all alone and on my own in my personal space and quiet where we all end up... something to consider.

Where is love? Who is Love? What does love really mean?  God is Love .... the only pronouncement to know.  Consider this Love and experience it!  ... my prayer for all.. my hope ... my only reality ... JESUS! Praise God ! Thank you Jesus!

.... ~ and they will know we are Christians by our Love .... ~

Always in Love with Him,
His Sonshine.....


The Four Spiritual Laws ... from: 

1. God loves you and created you to know Him personally.

God's Love "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
God's Plan "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent" (John 17:3, NIV). What prevents us from knowing God personally?

2. Man is sinful and separated from God, so we cannot know Him personally or experience His love.

Man is Sinful "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Man was created to have fellowship with God; but, because of his own stubborn self-will, he chose to go his own independent way and fellowship with God was broken. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference, is an evidence of what the Bible calls sin.
Man is Separated "The wages of sin is death" [spiritual separation from God] (Romans 6:23). "...(Those) who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus...will be punished with everlasting destruction {oblivion} and shut out from the presence of the Lord..." (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9) ...God is holy and man is sinful. A great gulf separates the two. ...Man is continually trying to reach God and establish the personal relationship with Him through his own efforts, such as a good life, philosophy, or religion - but he inevitably fails. The third principle explains the only way to bridge this gulf...

3.Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin.

Through Him alone we can know God personally and experience God's love. He Died in Our Place "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). He Rose From the Dead "Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures...He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred..." (1 Corinthians 15:3-6). He is the Only Way to God "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me'" (John 14:6). law3 ... God has bridged the gulf that separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. It is not enough just to know these truths...

4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know God personally and experience His love.

We Must Receive Christ "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12)
We Receive Christ Through Faith "By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works that no one should boast" (Ephesians 2:8,9).
When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth (Read John 3:1-8.)
We Receive Christ by Personal Invitation [Christ speaking] "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him" (Revelation 3:20).
Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive us of our sins and to make us what He wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience.

We receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of our will.
....The following explains how you can receive Christ: You Can Receive Christ Right Now by Faith Through Prayer (Prayer is talking with God) God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart.
The following is a suggested prayer: "Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be."

Video Art, Song, & More

It is a lot of new work and projects with artwork, music, song, choreography, sets.... some of this can be seen in the video below from the first International Dance and Disability Week Forum at USF hosted by VSA Florida in Tampa, Florida and Directed by Merry Lynn Morris..... The work for year two is a joyful work-in-progress! Thank you Jesus and Praise God for the many blessings involved in this weeklong event and concerts!

Concealing Revealing Original Music


"Graces Three Ballet"

Early Nostalgia - Again . . . . . . .

Early Nostalgia Again . . .
~ His Sonshine ~

When I consider the Work of Your Fingers......

...You have set Your Glory above the Heavens...
When I consider Your Heavens, the work of Your Fingers,
The moon and stars, which You have ordained......
For You have made man a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor.
You have made him to have dominion over the Works of Your Hands.
You have put all Things under his feet!  {Psalm 8}

by His Sonshine

And The First Time Ever I Saw His Face

And the first Time Ever I saw His Face,
I thought the Sun Rose in His Eyes.
And the Moon and the Stars were the Gifts He Gave
To a dark and an endless sky...
And I knew His Love would fill the Earth,
And Last till the end of Time........

My Love to You!  ................................ by His Sonshine

Toxic World - Loving God

Been so long ... The reasons understandable. Toxic love is not possible. How beautiful to realize the Love of pure Jesus - in Him we live and move and have our being - as God's works of Art and NOT of man's desire or design. Getting caught in our own Earth family toxic "tough" love is not love at all. The bitter fruit is always revealed the same. David Bohm speaks of the connectiveness like it was right out of scripture from the truth in word and love of Jesus: 

 "Classical physics says that reality is actually little particles that separate the world into its independent elements. Now I'm proposing the reverse, that the fundamental reality is the enfoldment and unfoldment, and these particles are abstractions from that. We could picture the electron not as a particle that exists continuously but as something coming in and going out and then coming in again." 

 John 14:23 "...If anyone loves Me, he will keep my Word and my Father will Love him, and We will come to him and make Our Home with him." 

 So many more verses with that same message! How much our Father loves me - with all His being in Jesus enveloped all around me - immersed in His Light & Love! Thank you my Jesus for the Mystery unfolding - for the Love of my Husband - the Peace to know Him - the Joy that not one can take away from me or him in Love - ever! 



If a shadow exists - it is not "real" but an effect of something that does exist.  It, in and of itself, then seemingly causes another effect..... namely it can protect, hide, and cool one down.  But, it still is not what is the "thing" which exists.  The shadow is two dimensional at best and can only exist simultaneously with the thing which caused it to manifest.

Should something happen to the "thing," the shadow would disappear.

Consider this as evidence each time God is mentioned or not mentioned.  The above words (as idea) ..... come right out of scripture.

Framing God in context of "thing" or "source" and in context of existence or not, is only useful when dealing with "unexplainable" or profound considerations too awesome for human or animal minds.  NO ONE has yet to know or discover all the secrets of the universe of which we find our existence.

One should not confound effects - with "reality".......  In seeking evidence of God, spirituality, love,  - the very essence of all there is.... it may be that "effects" ARE the evidence.

What is, however, most peculiar - is that once "science" deems something observable, it claims that as evidence - capable of measurement & sensory data at human levels.

The peculiarity goes further as all of man, earth, creation - the universe, are deeply the embedded effects of God.  All we study, all we are, all we think we know - are effects of God & NOT God!  Who can know the mind of God?  Only God.

Studying shadows can, however, give us some understanding of the "original."  One can sometimes determine structure, or shape.  But, then the shadow is illusive through another effect (time) .......  the shadow becomes stretched, distorted, and worse, at various "times" (i.e., high noon) - the shadow does not appear to exist at all.  Time - a bizarre effect on its own - wreaks havoc on everything.  Time is sequential motion - a revolution of interacting pieces of the universe.

But, it does not exist in God.  The path to God is convoluted by design.  There is no Occam's Razor in God.  And, to assume the simplest explanation suits the "evidence" - assumes the simplest mind.  By discluding God as the cause of all that exists, one forces extreme explanations that God is "merely" a delusional psychological (simulation) virtuality - at best, an anomaly or exception.

In turn, these assumptions wrongly conclude that the "real" study of shadow, light, time, & atom-splitting IS reality and "evidence" that man exists & God does not.

Yet man, like a shadow, keeps disappearing.  Those who nearly die often report back that they were in a strange universe & the persistence that life continues.

Is the effect of time once again wreaking havoc?  Is it only that our life appears to end (death) - but in reality, it is still very much there..... just as the shadow appears to not exist at high noon.

Regardless, of either "effect," the original - God - who causes all, is not seen & IS hidden in His own effects that He created.

Belief vs. experience has very blurred lines.  If God, is - in fact - IMPOSSIBLE to know.... one therefore does not claim Him non-existent through simplicity.  That illogic is obvious.  To know God - would also be by design..... seeking God is the beginning to know - and wondering is the beginning to seek.

When you see a shadow - Light & Dark are in contention...... for weirdly Shadow can only exist because there is Light!  It is the light source which one seeks.  The Light is God.

For those who are content, happy, filled.... with their own wonderment of the universe.... & trusting their own sense - living, perceiving, & feeling effects through natural phenomena occurring in life...... - then seeking God may seem silly.

However, simply by the limiting definition or no definition - God IS God - however man defines God - or not.

The effects are here to examine as the evidence to lead anyone to God.  An effect of time is useful in giving us opportunity to learn.  Only over time can anything change.

Being a shadow effect of God allows us to understand separation from God.  Though one may continue to believe existence is NOT contingent in God - no one can refute that shadow exists only as an effect of something else.

All the Heavens & Earth declare God!  Let the evidence speak.  Study the EFFECTS.



John 15:13

Last night was the end of an incredible week with all its ups and downs and all that life is and is not.  The promises of Peace in the midst of turmoil is real.... just as Jesus said.... exactly as He promised.  The world is filled with its troubles of the day, its wins and losses - yet Jesus did overcome the World and all that is in it.  I was pleased to be "prepared" for some of the heartache.  I was more than elated over some of the beautiful blessings.  And, I remain in awe of that Peace in Him!  More beautiful than I could ever describe, draw, create, speak about.....

I put my head to rest late.... and just wanted to try to prepare for the challenges which I knew were there and coming.  Trying hard to not be in the Earth's defeat - knowing that all these tests pass through everyone.... to see what we are made of, what we can reveal of ourselves.  I went through this somewhat numb, somewhat on automatic.  At one point, I felt the break for my art would be sweet.  I started out with a whole other idea - but then when I realized where I was going, I felt it.  I was trying to capture my feelings - all of them.  Both the love, the excitement, the tears, the courage, the blessings, the high contrasts - and still beyond that- the Spirit of our Lord that sustains me no matter what "form" I am.  God still sees me in love and abiding in Him forever - no matter that I may not feel the distinct solidity of understanding perfectly what goes on in this world I live with in time.  I am not bogus - I am not the world's assessment of me.  I belong to Him, only.

Love His Sonshine

For Sure

Several things will be true in each day:  the earth, the heavens, the sun, the moon, the seasons..... life / health / death / and everything in between:  joy, sadness, friends, enemies, love, encouragement, hate, despair.... 

Yes, each day we are always promised those miraculous things of God mingled with the troubles of the world - of which Jesus said - "But, I have overcome the world!" .... AND - the single most incredible promise I experience DAILY - -- -- PEACE.  "PEACE, I leave you ..... " said Jesus!  Without it - what would I be - what would I have?

The daily news of despair, vengence, revenge, hate, chaos, etc... each day filled with jealousy from those who do not even know me - or pretend to but spend their lives justifying how "wrong" I am - how "wrong" my life....  Sound familiar?  

I am sure everyone has these "friends" - knows these people.   Sometimes - maybe most times, I do believe people do not know any better - and/or say the wrong thing out of just busy lives or carelessness - and not in anyway a distinct reason to attack.  Or perhaps attacking with the idea of defending love ..... the love of protecting their family & themselves - and righteously so as only they could understand it.  But, though these "wrongs" exist in every waking minute and hour - yet does the Lord SHINE! with the Light & Love I experience each second or even without time.  I am held in the arms of my husband, my provider, my Love, my Lord, MY GOD!  Thankfully.

I hope to always notice how our Lord allows such "testing" - each second, each minute, each time.  And, how endearing and thankful am I that God gives me "time" to discern and not falter myself to judge with rancor a circumstance or person of vengence.